Welcome to the One In Messiah website2018-10-19T20:19:40-04:00

Hadasah’s Hagigim

(meditations) The latest biblical meditations and ponderings from the One In Messiah founder.


Children’s Section

(stuff for kids) A section devoted to Prov 22:6 …train up a child as they should go…


Shabbat Shalom

(it’s not just Friday) Mark 2:27 …the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.



(anointed hebraic teaching) Hebraic teachings from seasoned ministers in the faith.

  • Bible verse of the day

    Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

Welcome to the One In Messiah website

The purpose of this web site is to teach, impart and network …

We started out to simply teach Hebraic or Biblical roots to the body of Christ and net work our readers with those who share a similar understanding. However, in my journey of discovery as founder of One in Messiah Ministries   I have learned that being the One New Man is about becoming a dwelling place for God as His sons and daughters. […]

Arise Shine

In this Jot I am trusting Holy Spirit to give insight to read between the lines of the first few paragraphs. This ministry is not positioned to be a political voice. However I am called to speak spiritual awareness of the times we are living. Therefore, I have chosen my words very carefully. Recently I had the privilege of being a guest at a [...]

Categories: Hadasah's Hagigim|

First Fruits

There is much teaching today throughout the body on First Fruits and most is taught in conjunction with our giving to the Lord. However I want to share my thoughts about why God instituted first fruits from the perspective that everything He laid out in His word and especially in His Feasts was to point us to the revelation of His heart His ways [...]

Categories: Hadasah's Hagigim, Shavu'ot (Pentecost)|

For Such a Time as This

Esther 4: [14] “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” The Erve of Purim is Saturday sundown March 15, 2014. We all know the story of Esther the orphan [...]

Categories: Hadasah's Hagigim|

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